Gwenette, I'll call you so, but please don't talk about your bloddy rabbit, it gives me urticaria.
And Algernon, please mate, don't call me Jyjy on the internet, you know it's between you and me.. only. And my Facebook status is now updated to "open relationship", so it's fine !
Hi, i am looking for love too!!
ReplyDeleteOh that's great ! You wanna take a coffee or something ?
ReplyDeleteI'll go for the something.... hihihihih
ReplyDeleteChristmas coming :)
ReplyDeleteAlgernon ! My dear friend, how you're doing mate ?
ReplyDeleteI like flowers and long walks on the beech.
ReplyDeleteSunsets at this time of the year is beautiful, do you want to go take a walk by the beach ? Let's say.. friday at 4 O'clock, you're free ?
ReplyDeleteNo she is busy. She will be at my house playing coco crazy.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what you mean by coco crazy but a walk on the beech would be wonderful. I'll be there waiting for you all day. Bring 7-8 bottles of wine.
ReplyDeleteWith love.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteYou just made a mistake writing your name sweetheart.. But I still love you !
ReplyDeleteIt was that rabbit with rabbies that jumped on me..Not my fault
ReplyDeleteJust.. don't bring them on Friday.. I want us to be alone.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, I'm allergic to rabbits.
ReplyDeleteR.I.P. Bunbury. he... exploded
ReplyDeleteBunbury exploded ?!? What on earth happened man ? Are you allright ? I hope you are, you're my brotha from anotha motha
ReplyDeleteLets not talk about killing things, im a very scared person and really sensitive.
ReplyDeleteyah bro, berrrum dum dum
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI love how sensitive you are Gwen... May I call you Gwen ?
ReplyDeleteI prefer you call me Gwenette is my favorite name. My rabbit was called Gwennette but he pased 1 year ago.
But Jyjy, I can't understand. Your facebook relationship status is "it's complicated". How can you date Gwen!?
ReplyDeleteJyjy, did you know if Bunbury was a lie between act 1 and 2?
ReplyDeleteGwenette, I'll call you so, but please don't talk about your bloddy rabbit, it gives me urticaria.
ReplyDeleteAnd Algernon, please mate, don't call me Jyjy on the internet, you know it's between you and me.. only. And my Facebook status is now updated to "open relationship", so it's fine !
And yes, I knew Bunbury was a lie.. Even if he just died. I'm a bit confused.
ReplyDeleteI like muffins the morning with my tea and you?
ReplyDeleteI want to know
ReplyDeleteHave you ever seen the rain?
I've seen the rain once but I was young and naked in the far mountains of India.
ReplyDeleteDear Gwen, your hat looks ridiculous!
ReplyDeleteI imagine you.. naked under the rain, in the far mountains of India. Wow..
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing out loud ! Pretty long to say though... let's just make that shorter and call it : LOL
ReplyDeleteHave you seen the news this week? Colonel Toutée reached Badjibo!
ReplyDeleteToday, I walked with my horse in the woods near my cottage in the country. It was a splendid day.
ReplyDeleteDidn't heard about it, but I sure know that Jean Casimir-Périer was elected President of the French republic
ReplyDeleteGwenette, everything you say sounds like a poem to me. It's like reading the thoughts of an angel...
ReplyDeleteAlgy ! You're still coming for the tea at 5' ? I've made some cucumbers sandwiches.
gahbkeshbfkahsdbfksasdbkfhbancbkw (angry on the keyboard)
ReplyDeleteAnother clever moment to say my new expression.
ReplyDeleteLOL !
I think Lane tends to be lazy sometimes...